Summer is here, which means A/C bills are going to start rising. There are plenty of ways to reduce these bills and still enjoy the comfort of your home this summer. Here are 3 ways to cut back on those summer bills.

Our number one tip is always going to be maintenance. Getting annual maintenance plays an important role in the efficiency of your HVAC system. The efficiency of your HVAC is a big part of how expensive your heating and cooling bills can get. If your system is running at a lower efficiency, it has to work harder to produce the same result that a higher efficiency system can do. Because it goes through more work and energy to achieve the result that you want, it will cost more. If you have an older system, you could be paying more as well. Older systems tend to run at a lower efficiency. Replacing your old systems will save you money in the long run.
Good Energy Habits
If you get regular maintenance done and your systems are up-to-date, you might want to consider if your household has good energy habits. It can be really easy to leave a door open or open a window and forget to close it on a hot summer day. This is energy out the door that you are paying for.
Here are some tips to get on the right track with good energy habits:
Sit down and tell your household that you want to start practicing good energy habits, hold each other accountable.
If you feel warm air inside, find the source and cut it off. Keeping a mindful perspective on the cold air that you are using and starting to realize how much is being wasted as your energy bills start to change will keep it in the back of your mind more often.
Turn your thermostat up a couple degrees while no one is home.
Blackout Curtains
If you have a lot of windows around your home with sheer curtains or no curtains at all, it’s time to get some high quality, black out curtains. These curtains help to keep the heat and sunlight out. Black out curtains might even allow you to turn your thermostat up a couple degrees which will result in saving money.
Hopefully these tips help you save some money on your energy bills. Need maintenance or repairs done on your system? Give us a call today at 515-965-7272 or visit for more information.