Winter will be here before we know it. There is no better time to get the last bits of maintenance checked off of your list before the colder days come. Here are three things you will want to get done now before the frigid days sneak up.
First, you will want to check your heating and cooling systems. Semi-annual inspections are necessary to maintain these systems for the extent of their lifespan. Most heating and cooling systems last about 12 to 15 years. The lifespan of heating and cooling systems has a lot to do with how they are maintained. Improper maintenance can cut off a good 5-7 years. Get an inspection before it turns cold to make sure that your heat will work when you need it. At the very least, take the time to change your filters before the weather turns cold. It is much better to find these problems in moderate temperatures than to find out later when the colder temperatures feel uncomfortable.
Another good thing to check before winter is your windows. Check for air leaks that may lead to your house feeling colder than it should. Air leaks that are left unsealed can lead to high energy bills. Contact an HVAC technician to inspect your windows with thermal imaging. Thermal imaging will detect any air leaks inside of your walls. There are some inexpensive ways to fix this before the cold weather comes.
The last thing that you should get done before winter is a fireplace inspection. An annual inspection of your wood-burning or gas fireplace is necessary to ensure the safety of you and your guests. Keeping your fireplace maintained will also take care of any potential problems before you need it on a cold night. Don’t wait until it’s cold to deal with maintenance around your home that keeps you warm.
72 Degrees can check all of these things off of your list in a breeze. Contact us at 965-7272 for all of your maintenance needs.
