If you are prone to allergies, asthma or just want to know steps that you can take to breathe cleaner air, stick around because we have got some tips to share. HVAC systems can work wonders on improving indoor air quality. These are some things that you can incorporate into your daily life to improve the indoor air quality of your home.
The first thing you should do is check what quality of air filters you are using. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, this tip is especially helpful. Air filters with a high-MERV rating will remove allergens and toxins from the air and last longer compared to an air filter with a lower-MERV rating. MERVE ratings at 11 or higher are designed to remove small particles in the air. You can check the MERV rating by looking on the edges of the filter. One of the edges should contain an uppercase “M” with the rating. For example M11 would be a good MERV rating. Any number below 9 is going to be a lower quality filter that does not clean the air as well as a rating that is 9 or higher.
Another way to keep allergens out of your home is to keep your windows shut. This may seem like an obvious tip, but it can be tempting to open the windows on a nice day. Opening your windows allows for particles outside to mix with the particles in your home, making it harder for your HVAC system to filter out your air.
Another way you can reduce the amount of allergens in your air is to clean your air vents. If your vents collect dust, that dust is going to be blown into your air when your HVAC system runs. You can easily clean your events by removing them, soaking them in warm water and soap, vacuuming any particles inside or around the vent insert, and replacing the vent when it is fully dried.
Has your outdoor unit been collecting debris? If so, it’s a great time to clean your outdoor unit. Cleaning your outdoor unit will encourage your system to work more efficiently, which will improve the ability for your HVAC to filter out allergens. You can clean your outdoor unit by clearing your system of any leaves or sticks and trimming anything that has overgrown into your system’s space. You can also remove the top of the condenser and spray down the sides of your system with a hose. This should be done at least once a year.
Lastly, staying up to date on maintenance checks will help prevent allergens and toxins from being in your air. Make sure to get a maintenance check at least 1-2 times a year. Maintenance checks ensure that your systems are working efficiently, keep your warranty up to date and resolve any issues that are present or may occur.
Call 72 Degrees today for any HVAC needs! You can reach us by calling 515-965-7272 or visiting our website at 72degrees.com.